#MummiesTime with Syahira (@syahira.khidzer)
by On Off Social Pte Ltd on Jun 17, 2021

#MummiesTime is a series that features mummies from different walks of life, sharing their tips on how to have me-time in this fast-paced society. We also ask them for tips, advices and stories to encourage new mummies on their parenting journey.
This week, we have stylish and cool mum, Syahira, to share her personal tips and experience with her cute little boy! (He's almost reaching 2 years old) Even though it can get really tiring after a day of work, he's her little ball of energy that keeps her going.
How has being a mum changed your life? What’s the best part about being a mum?
It makes you look at life in a totally new perspective and my priorities have definitely shifted as well. Everything I want to be is because of this little boy who calls me Mummy. The best part about being a Mum? When he wakes up in the morning and climb onto you to give you a big hug. Or, even just running to the door after I come home from work everyday. It makes my heart so full.
In this fast paced-society, could you share with us a tip on how you find your “me-time”!
My me-time is as simple as having an hour or half an hour every night to shower, shave my legs, do a home hair treatment and carrying out my skincare routine that to be honest, somedays i totally skip because I'm so tired. Sometimes, his grandparents and aunt take over for a little while longer for me to run to the salon and get my hair professionally done. Simple things like this make me truly happy!
Could you share with us a short snippet of your birth story/stories?
I had this made up “awww moment” in my head of my birth and having my baby sliding out of me and getting skin to skin. However, Ammar’s delivery was quite dramatic. I was 10cm dilated and he slid out of me after 3 pushes. But when he was out, he wasn’t crying, wasn’t moving - he was still. The next moment i knew, there were so many doctors and nurses running in. What felt like an eternity later, he let out a loud cry. Why did you have to make such a heart-stopping entrance, Ammar?
Which is your favourite teether design from our Little Bearnie’s collection? What do you love about it?
The Smiley Boba Tea teether of course! Mama’s a bubble tea fan!
Which is your favourite bib design from our Litle Bearnie’s collection? What do you love about it?
The Gem Biscuit bibs. They are so neon and cute! It's also my favourite childhood biscuit!
Tell us something interesting about your child/children!
Ammar was born with left torticollis. He gets “tortured” many times a day at home by me but his neck is getting so much better now. I am proud.
Any piece of advice for new mums/mums-to-be?
It can get overwhelming. Your house is going to be a mess, you’re going to be so tired and sleep-deprived. But, don't be so hard on yourself, be kinder to your body and don't be shy to ask for help. Even if it means dumping the baby at your parents place for a few hours while you take a much needed nap. Never compare yourself to other Mummies ad we’re all amazing in our own ways.
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