This week, we have Qiqi, a beautiful and blessed mum of four who's working as a website designer. First-timer mummies, read on to find out how this amazing woman manages her work and also her 4 lovely children!
How has being a mum changed your life? What’s the best part about being a mum?
Being a mum helps me to be much stronger! The best part about being a mum is smelling your own baby without being judged (the scent of baby, I know right..) and you can get your kids to do housework for you or help to bring you water.
In this fast paced-society, could you share with us a tip on how you find your “me-time”!
Make them sleep early. Practice sleeping early, so you can have your me-time early! I started practicing good sleeping habits the moment I bring them back from the hospital. 730pm, lights off, no sound and sleep.
Could you share with us a short snippet of your birth story/stories?
My birth stories are actually quite simple, nothing exciting haha.. all 4 kids were induced and gone through natural birth as all of them didn't want to come out even though my water bag had burst!
I wanted to have 4 kids since young but after having no. 2, I've tried for almost 4 years to have no.3. During those 3 years, I have experienced multiple miscarriages and abortion due to abnormal fetuses. The last straw was the abortion, I thought to myself that maybe I was not fated to have 4 kids, so I started to give away all my baby stuff, and woohoo... I got pregnant. And I thought I will be having no. 4 after didi turned 1 year old, but I found out that I was pregnant when didi was 6 months old.
Which is your favourite teether design from our Little Bearnie’s collection? What do you love about it?
My favourite Little Bearnie teether is the Kawaii Foxy because I find it very cute and very easy for babies to hold.
Tell us something interesting about your child/children!
My kids (girls) wanted me to have 10 children so they can have many siblings to play with, but they told me they just want to give birth to 1-2 kids for themselves. What?!
Any piece of advice for new mums/mums-to-be?
Your life does NOT have to revolve around your child(ren), just make sure your kid's basic needs are met. There is nothing wrong with having me-time, like sneaking in Pilates class once a week. When you are happy, your kids will be happy. I believe in showing your child(ren) you can still empower your life, you can still learn new skills, upgrade yourself even when you are old or when you have kids.
Check out other mum's stories over here now!