#MummiesTime is a series that features mummies from different walks of life, sharing their tips on how to have me-time in this fast-paced society. We also ask them for tips, advices and stories to encourage new mummies on their parenting journey.
Chic and stylish mum, Jan, will be sharing with us about her life as a mother and also give her advice on how should new mums balance their family and work! Even though it wasn't the easiest journey, cute and charming baby N brought joy to her everyday life.
How has being a mum changed your life? What’s the best part about being mum?
Finding your inner strength that you never knew existed to get through the whole mum - work life balancing act!
The best part is the simple little things you feel when you see your baby hit milestones and grow up, being a mum is priceless!
Could you share with us a short snippet of your birth story/stories?
Mine was induction labour so there wasn't a crazy story on how my water bag burst or anything!
It was 14 hours of wait time and during the final hour, I was advised to opt for C sect which I did for the safety of my baby! I should have just done C sect from the start, the whole process was so quick!!!
Also, I remember craving for sashimi and was looking forward to having some after giving birth but was stopped by the confinement nanny! 😂
Which is your favourite teether design from our Little Bearnie’s collection? What do you love about it?
I actually find the Kawaii Sushi really cute for photos but I typically find the teether with holes better for baby's grip.
Which is your favourite bib design from our Little Bearnie’s collection? What do you love about it?
Oh and I love the Rainbow bib but it's too girly for bb N, definitely something I would buy to gift someone to make them smile!
Tell us something interesting about your child/children!
He chuckles (super adorable) when he's really tired which makes me wanna play with him even more, which is obviously not the right thing to do! 😝
In this fast paced-society, could you share with us a tip on how you find your “me-time”!
Truthfully speaking it's tough, you definitely need a support system for this one because you can only make time for yourself when there are multiple caregivers. My tip is to let someone you trust (could be your mum, your helper, husband) take care of your baby once in a while so you can make time for yourself!
Don't feel guilty being away from your child for an afternoon out with the girls, remember you have an entire lifetime to bond with your child! 😁
Any piece of advice for new mums/mums-to-be?
Talk to your friends who are new mums, they would be able to share so many useful baby tips and tricks! Also, they might have baby stuff to pass you so you don't have to buy certain items yourself!😉
Check out the link over here to read about other mummies personal stories and experiences now!